Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Let's All Be Bad (But In a Good Way) Guys!

One of the hardest parts of watching a lad such as Jayne struggle through his medical hardships is a feeling of helplessness.  There isn't much more that Shay and I can do to help him other than be strong and try to support him as best as we can.  The doctors, nurses, techs, and his own little, chubby body are going to be doing most of the work.  Those closest, geographically, to us will be able to do little things for us: bring us food that wasn't carefully crafted in a hospital, wash our clothes after the third day of sleeping in them, and help us make the transition of living in Show Low with our happy baby to camping out in a 15 x 25 room seven floors up.

But what about those who aren't able to assist us, and by proxy Jayne, in such overt ways?  A few have offered, at no request from anyone, to get themselves tested and offer up any and all bodily fluids (and in some case parts) to help Jayne's speedy and eventual recovery.  Others, such as Shay's sister, Cherla, Kristen Denbow, Paula Williams, and a much longer list than I would have ever thought conceivable, have offered to spearhead the charity and fundraiser campaign to help pay for Jayne's medical treatment and stay, and to keep Shay and I afloat through this tumultuous tempest.  Some help us in some very direct financial ways.  All of these people, named and unnamed, have our undying gratitude and words can never express just how much the three of us appreciate the vigor and candor with which they offer their kindness and charity.

That still leaves a very large portion of the Jayne David Fan Club with little to do in the way of support or help.  With that in mind, I decided to do a little research and cross-checking of records and I have found a way, for anyone who wants to, to contribute however indirectly and obtusely to help Jayne and children like him.  There are several different foundations and charities whose mission statement include raising awareness and researching treatments for leukemia and other forms of children's cancer.  The one that I found has a wonderful financial record and stellar transparency and accountability, donating around 94% of their total income to research grants, cancer treatment programs, etc.  

Anyone interest in giving to the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation can click here.  From there you can donate money, give a tribute in honor of Jayne, find ways to volunteer, and a plethora of other ways to contribute to the lives and health of kids like Jayne and parents like us.  Not only will you be helping kids fighting cancer, but it's a bit more akin to doing something than thoughts and prayers.

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