Today brought good news for Jayne and for our sanity. Amidst his newly founded love for babbling, we found out that his ANC was up to 100. Not that this necessarily means that he will continue to skyrocket towards the lofty goal of 250, but it is a huge leap in the right direction. That means that we have to start thinking about the logistics of moving out of the hospital room. Since we can't really know exactly when he will have a sufficient immune system, it would be premature to even start packing our things up. Most of what we have will prove to be superfluous and we can probably anticipate only needing clothes for a few more days but given how sporadic his progress has been we could just as easily be here for another full week before getting the go ahead.
That brings me to another development: Jayne has begun to leak profusely from his nostrils. Combined with some coughing and an increase in sneezes, it give us all pause. The nurses just finished doing a swab of his inner nostrils, something which upset him greatly, so we will have word on what, exactly, is causing his snotty nose and sneezes. If it is a virus, it will set us back a bit, since there isn't much that they can do to treat a virus. There is also a chance, in my mind at least, that he is merely experiencing the effects of allergies with a compromised immune system. Shay does have allergies of her own and there are plenty of people coming in and out of his room. The chances of a stowaway particle of dander or pollen riding shotgun on the nurse's shirt aren't minuscule.
All of this is speculation, so I will keep everyone up to date when we find out more, ill or otherwise. Now I must away, as he is currently dousing our bed in drool. Thank you to everyone for your continued support. Jayne appreciates it immensely.
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