The nurse was quick to reassure us that this has no real bearing on our prospects for leaving soon. Sure it went down 28 today but it did jump up fifty yesterday, so it's really anyone's guess. His cold is still chugging along but it isn't really affecting him for the most part. He is getting a bit crankier later in the day and he woke up a few more times last night than is his norm. I've hinted and cajoled that both mother and son need to partake in some much needed nap time. We'll see if my advice is taken in this matter.
Other than that, everything is as it was. Another day of the same ole same. Plenty of tummy time so far, plenty of drooling over toys, and, of course, smiling at the nurses. He's still determined to get this crawling thing down; reverse is still his favorite gear but he is becoming more and more adept at turning himself to face whichever direction he pleases. Hopefully, soon, the direction he faces is "out".
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